Tuesday, March 22, 2005

An Unrighteous People

I was just watching the news and saw the latest on the crusade to murder Terri Schiavo. That coverage segued to coverage of an ambush in Iraq. Both of these stories displayed national sin.

Our civil government no longer protects the weakest among us, which is one of the few legitimate functions of a civil government. Most of us can protect ourselves. It's the weak that need the protection of the state.

In the story from Iraq, I saw more than one woman speaking of her experience in harm's way on behalf of the state. This is shameful. Only an unrighteous people would send its women to fight its wars. We are an unrighteous people committing aggression against a people who did not attack or threaten us.

My ultimate allegience is to Jesus Christ. Many of our political and military leaders and soldiers are not Christian. Many Iraqi are Christian.

I have decided that my pro-life protests must extend beyond unborn Americans to include all judicially innocent people, even if they are Iraqi, especially if they are brothers and sisters in Christ.

wow youre "all things louisiana"!! if you check out my blog- in the archives are shots from the la folk life festival 04. its in the 09-12-04 archives page in the sidebar. enjoy! like your blog!
Thank you for your kind comments. I definitely appreciate and love our homeland. I checked out your blog. Nice photos.
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